16 June 2008

This Week's Training:

Okily Dokily, how did I go last week?

Mon - 1hr 20km tarmac / dirt ride on MTB
Wed - 2 1/2hr 30km dirt ride, Nail Can Reserve, on MTB. Lots of climbing and singletrack
Thurs / Fri / Sat - rest. Not good!
Sun - 4 hr 82km road ride with hills.

So what should have been 4 rides, 4:15 in the saddle became 3 rides, 7 1/2 in the saddle. Which is not necessarily a good thing. The frequency of the rides in the training plan is as important as the length and difficulty - can't let the legs fully recover before riding on them again, need to keep pushing and building on them. Plus I still haven't done the 1/2 hour benchmark test, how else am I going to monitor improvement?

So, this week, the plan calls for

Day 1 - rest
Day 2 - 1:15 ride
Day 3 - rest
Day 4 - 1:00 ride
Day 5 - rest
Day 6 - 2:30 ride
Day 7 - 1/2 hour time trial

And I think the plan will be:

Today - 1:15 ride MTB (thinking a trek up to Kiewa River and along the flat single trail)
Tomorrow - rest
Wed - Nail Can ride. 2hrs plus, climbs
Thurs - rest (actually not playing soccer this week, maybe a little ride)
Fri - 1/2 hour time trial
Sat - rest
Sun - Tallangatta - Jarvis Creek MTB. 50km return with lots of climbing.

Any chance I might actually get my s**t together this week?

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