22 October 2008

Around The Bay

Not much to say about this, other than it was an Epic ride. Rolling out of Southbank at 5:30 in the morning, still rubbing sleep out of my eyes, no lights on the bike and hoping for the best.

Jump forward 2 climbs and a couple of hours, we made Sorrento at 9:30 on the nose (which was the aim, but I had called as un-doable), eating lunch at 9:35am, on the ferry and underway by 10.

Queenscliff out to Geelong was a little on the challenging side, cold muscles, undulating road, and teammates starting to fade a little. The situation got better after a good coffee on the wharf, overlooking Corio Bay.

Hit the Princes Freeway with an almighty tailwind, a head full of steam, and a desire to make Melbourne, drink beer, and eat hot chips and pizza. I put the spinnaker up and changed into the big dog, and went. Nothing below 35kmh for the bulk of the trip, mostly pushing 40. HR not getting over 140 either.

Lost the rest of the group through a mechanical, met them on the eastern side of Werribee, after waiting 45 minutes in the howling cold wind. Bunched up and headed for home. Sailed over the Westgate Bridge - sailed maybe a tad strong, but it wasn't as diabolical as I imagined.

Back through the gates at about 4:30 - 11 hours on the bike, of which 7:50 was riding time, average speed ~27kmh. Into the first beer at about 4:35, asleep by about 8:30.

Happy it's done, glad it's over, maybe the 250 next year.

We'll see.

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